

Arıtma Tesislerinin Hidroliği
Authors: Prof. Dr. Dincer Topacık, Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu
Number of pages:512
Type of paper:Book paper
Type of printing: Color
Size:16x24 cm
e-ISBN: 978-975-561-537-0

This book has been prepared mainly by utilizing the following: conversion of the six-chapter book titled “Treatment Plant Hydraulics for Environmental Engineers” prepared by Larry D. Benefield and his colleagues in 1984 from USCU to SI unit system and development with tables and figures; rearrangement of the hydraulic design example in the relevant chapters of the book titled “Wastewater Treatment Plants – Planning, Design, and Operation” prepared by Syed R. Qasim in 1999; Chapter 22 of the book titled “Hydraulic Design Handbook” prepared by Larry W. Mays; and Chapter 13 of the book titled “Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse” prepared by George Tchobanoglous and his colleagues. We thank Prof. Larry D. Benefield and his colleagues, Syed R. Qasim, Larry W. Mays, and George Tchobanoglous and his colleagues for their permissions and support.

Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu
He was born in 1974 in the village of Ziyaret in the Suruç district of Şanlıurfa, where his father was on duty. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in his hometown of Antalya.
He started his undergraduate education in the Environmental Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in 1990 and finished it in 1995 as the second in his department. He completed his master's degree in 1997 and his doctorate in 2002 in the same department. He became an associate professor in 2004 and a professor in 2010. He currently serves as a professor in the Environmental Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. He has also been teaching as a visiting professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State University (USA) since 2019.
He completed his postdoctoral studies in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Rice University, one of the leading universities in the USA, within the scope of the TÜBİTAK NATO B1 scholarship in 2002-2003. Later, in 2003, he worked as a guest researcher at the University of Leuven (Belgium) for two months and again at Rice University (USA) for one year in 2004. He served in many academic and administrative positions such as Director of the ITU Institute of Science (2012-2018), Member of the ITU Board of Directors (2012-2016), Member of the ITU Senate (2012-2018), Member of the ITU Faculty of Civil Engineering Board of Directors (2015-2018) and Member of the ITU Environmental Engineering Department Commission.
Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu is a full member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). He was elected as a member of the Asian Academy of Sciences Climate Change and Health Committee in 2019 and as a member of the International Water Association (IWA) Membrane Technologies Group Board of Directors in 2011. He continues to serve in these positions.
Between 2016-2021, he served as a member of the Interuniversity Board Associate Professorship Commission, and has been a member of the Interuniversity Board of Directors since 2021. Within the scope of TÜBİTAK, he served as a Member of the Executive Board of the TÜBİTAK Technology and Innovation Support Programs Presidency (TEYDEB) Biotech Group (2015-2017) and as a Consultant at the TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) Environment and Cleaner Production Institute (2014-2017). He provided consultancy to many public and private institutions on issues related to his field, and took part in many applied engineering projects. He provided training and carried out projects on infrastructure, waste management, and recycling within the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Union of Turkish Municipalities (TBB), Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO), Eti Maden General Directorate, Turkish Water Institute, and many water and canal administrations. He was appointed as the Rector of ITU on August 14, 2020. Since 2021, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of SAHA Istanbul (Defense, Aviation and Space Cluster Association) and the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. He provided training in the field of environmental and infrastructure engineering within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC). The most important of these is the design and project training on water recovery held in Palestine-Ramallah and given to the engineers of the Palestinian Water Association. Within the scope of social responsibility activities, he served as a member and president of the Board of Directors of the Environment Foundation and as a member and president of the Board of Trustees. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. He was awarded the Higher Education Council 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award (Science and Engineering Sciences Doctoral Thesis of the Year Award Thesis Advisorship), 2008 Engineering Field TÜBİTAK Incentive Award, 2009 International Economic Cooperation Organization International Award (ECO- Economic Cooperation Organization), 2018 Institution/Organization Category First Prize within the scope of Istanbul Chamber of Industry Environment Awards and Istanbul Technical University Special Award for his articles published in 2001. He has organized many national and international conferences and workshops and served on the scientific board. His research topics include treatment and recovery of water and wastewater, advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies, seawater treatment technologies, membrane and module technologies, environmental nanotechnology, infrastructure planning and design principles and hydraulics of treatment plants. He has published around 200 articles in internationally indexed journals and these works have been cited nearly 6000 times, and his h-index value is 37. He speaks English very well as a foreign language. He is married and has three children, one girl and two boys.

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